Street Sweeping
David White Trucking specializes in many different services. Street Sweeping of towns, parking lots, major roads and highways, etc. is performed each spring to remove the build up of winter sand. Our GMC Elgin Eagle Street Sweeper is responsible for cleaning up most of Northern New Hampshire's winter sand. Equipped with two curb brushes and a dust reducing sprinkler system, the Eagle is quick, efficient, and the perfect machine to get the job done right.
David White Trucking
2063 River Rd
Lemington, VT 05905
(802) 277-8885 Phone
(802) 277-9926 Fax
(603) 331-1478 Cell
Email: [email protected]
2063 River Rd
Lemington, VT 05905
(802) 277-8885 Phone
(802) 277-9926 Fax
(603) 331-1478 Cell
Email: [email protected]